RMC (Rock Music Cards Rating)
The rating score is based on our evaluation of each song, on a maximum basis of 10 points. For this purpose, the total score obtained by all the songs is split by the number of songs included in the original album version. The RMC value shown on the music card results from the division calculated proportionally out of 100 points.
Example 1:
10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10 = 80
80 x 100 / 80 = 100 (Simplified calculation: 80 / 0.8 = 100)
Example 2:
7+8+9+10+7+8+9+10 = 68
68 x 100 / 80 = 85 (Simplified calculation: 68 / 0.8 = 85)
The criteria used for the RMC Rating are based, among other things, on the following aspects:
a) The originality of the structure and harmony of the composition, vocal melody, guitar riffs, bass and keyboard arrangements, rhythm, and percussion of the songs.
b) The technique and mastery in the execution of instruments by the musicians.
c) Production and sound engineering.
d) The importance of lyrics and their poetic and political content.
e) Disruption in the musical genre and contribution to the history of rock music.
DSC (Discogs Rating)
The DSC value on each card is taken from the scores given by the Discogs website to the album. The DSC Rating is established on a maximum score of 5 points, being 5 equivalent to 100. The final rating figure, corresponding to the DSC value indicated on the card, is calculated proportionally out of 100 points.
5 = 100
4.5 = 90
4 = 80
3.5 = 70
RYM (Rate Your Music Rating)
The RYM value on each card is taken from the scores given by the Rate Your Music website to the album. The RYM Rating is established on a maximum score of 4.5 points, being 4.5 equivalent to 100. The final rating figure, corresponding to the RYM value indicated on the card, is calculated proportionally out of 100 points.
4.5 = 100
4 = 88.88
3.5 = 77.77
AVG (Average Rating)
The Average Rating on the card results from the total sum of the scores, corresponding to RMC + RYM + DSC values, split by 3.
Example 1:
100 + 100 + 100 = 300
300 / 3 = 100
Example 2:
90 + 80 + 70 = 240
240 / 3 = 80